材料 Ingredients (四人份 4 people):

- 洋蔥 一個
1 onion - 茄子 一個
1 eggplant - 意大利瓜 一條
1 zucchini - 青椒 一個
1 bell pepper - 蒜頭 一片
1 clove of garlic - 番茄 半公斤
500g of tomatoes - 黑橄欖 八粒
8 black olives - 月桂葉 一片
1 bay leaf - 橄欖油 適量
Olive oil - 鹽和胡椒粉 適量
Salt and pepper
做法 Directions:
- 洋蔥切幼粒。
Finely chop the onion. - 用橄欖油炒洋蔥,同時把茄子和意大利瓜洗淨,削皮切粒,跟洋蔥一起炒。
Sauté onions with olive oil. Wash, peel and dice eggplant and zucchini, then add to the onions. - 青椒洗淨、去囊切絲。蒜頭切碎。
Cut the bell pepper into thin strips. Mince the garlic. - 洋蔥、茄子和意大利瓜炒熟呈透明狀,盛起備用。
Cook the onion, eggplant and zucchini until translucent. Set aside. - 用橄欖油炒蒜頭和青椒五分鐘,同時把番茄洗淨切粒。
Sauté garlic and bell pepper with olive oil for five minutes. Wash and dice the tomatoes. - 番茄和青椒一起炒十多分鐘,之後放回洋蔥、茄子和意大利瓜,再加上月桂葉、鹽和胡椒粉,慢火煮一小時,間中攪拌。
Add tomatoes to the bell pepper. Cook for around 10 minutes. Put back the onion, eggplant and zucchini. Add bay leaf, salt and pepper. Simmer for an hour, stirring occasionally. - 加入黑橄欖,上菜。
Add black olives. Serve.

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